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RMPA Research Projects

RMPA Research Projects Image
Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
42 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 10, at 11:59 PM MST
Project Owners
Choose a giving level


Snack Distributer

Your gift of $5 will go towards buying our student researchers snacks for their conference.


Creativity Supplier

Your gift of $10 will go towards buying our student research groups supplies for their presentation.


Executive Chef

Your gift of $20 will go towards buying one of our student researchers a meal.


Head Barista

Your gift of $50 will go towards buying our student researchers a round of coffee.


Assistant Fuel Engineer

Your gift of $75 will go toward buying our student researchers a tank of gas to drive to Denver.


Ticket Master

Your gift of $80 will go towards paying the conference fee of one of our student researchers.


Personal Concierge

Your gift of $100 will pay for a night of lodging for a student researcher.


Fuel Engineer

Your gift of $250 will go towards getting both research groups a one-way trip to presenting our research.


Ultimate Caterer

Your gift of $500 will go towards helping the student researchers afford meals throughout the conference.

Our Crowdfunding Groups