What is Axe of Kindness Month?

Axe of Kindness Month is a student fundraising campaign that connects student groups and organizations to the NAU Foundation crowdfunding platform, Jacksfunder. The Foundation's primary objective through this initiative is to foster a culture of philanthropy within the student population by educating and involving them in this meaningful endeavor. Axe of Kindness month serves as an opportunity for collective action toward a more inclusive and equitable Lumberjack student experience.

So how do you get involved and support our Jacks?

GIVE. Student projects launch on Lumberjack Day, September 26 and run through October 29.  Starting on Lumberjack Day, you can check out each of the amazing of the groups leading the way to advance student success and building community, statewide.  Donations made to student clubs ease the burden of club dues, travel expenses, event fees, and so much more!  Every gift makes the student experience more equitable and inclusive for all Jacks.

SHOW your Lumberjack pride Family Weekend by joining staff, parents and many of the students leading Axe of Kindness projects in a day of service on October 13. This service project is coordinated in partnership with the NAU Center for Service and Volunteerism.  Lumberjacks will kick off Family Weekend with a service event orchestrated by the Louie’s Cupboard and Thrift Jacks student organizations. Volunteer opportunities include sorting and organizing pantry items for Louie’s Cupboard, collecting winter coats for the Lumberjack Care Center, and building bikes for foster children in Northern Arizona.  Register for this service event at: https://qualtrics.nau.edu/jfe/form/SV_8c8jsfVhyTPL2ei

SHARE the Axe of Kindness projects with your network. Students are doing an incredible job of putting together their stories but appreciate all the help they can get to share their message.  Click one of the social media share buttons on a project to connect students with your network.

Regardless of how you swing your #AxeofKindness this month, Lumberjacks across the state will feel your impact!  Go Jacks!

Axe of Kindness Projects FAQ

How do I give to a student group or organization not listed on this page?

You can make a gift to the NAU Foundation Student Groups and Organization account at foundationnau.org/give.  In the "Gift Comments" section, please include the name of the student club or organization you would like your #AxeOfKindess to be attributed. 

Our Crowdfunding Groups